Best off Page SEO tricks

Hi friends in my last article we discussed many useful tricks of On Page SEO tricks ,As I Promised in this article we will discuss mainly on best  Off page SEO tricks for best results on search engines .As we most of us know that search engine optimization has two steps.

  1. On Page SEO
  2. Off Page SEO

As the name itself suggests that the work that we will not do on website page but we are doing for better rankings in search engine will be called as OFF Page SEO tricks.

In latest Google algorithm update, Google mainly focus on 2 factors for SEO

  1. On Page SEO
  2. Better links


So now we will discuss step wise off page SEO tricks

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Google search console submission
  3. Google map Generation & fetching pages
  4. Directory submission
  5. Forum submission
  6. Article submission
  7. Submission on Question & Answer website
  8. Video Submission
  9. Image submission
  10. Submission on Document submission websites



Before we discuss all these points one by one ,I want put your attention on very- 2 important point of OFF Page Optimization I.e

Do Follow & No follow Links

Do Follow Links : All links are basically do follow links that means link authorize other website to share its power of links for its SEO purpose. Anchor text is the best way to share does follow links.

No Follow links: No follow links are the links that ask Google  web masters Or Google crawlers no to share their link power For SEO purpose.

So we should always focus on making do follow links for off page SEO.

We can get knowledge either the any website provide Do Follow or No Follow links by installing No Follow browser extension on chrome.

Relevancy of links is very important factor in off page SEO if we are not getting success in making do follow links even then  we  can make No follow links ,this will also help in getting DA (Domain Authority ).so we should always focus on relevancy of the link for our website.


Now we will discuss earlier points of OFF Page SEO in detail.

Social Media Marketing:

Some of you will have question why I put on 1st position, yes right it is first step in Off page SEO & it starts as you Book domain name. We should make social media profile on

1. Facebook Page related to business

2. Twitter Page

3. Linked In profile

4. Google + Page


Here you have chance of put your domain Name while you make this profile. So Google crawler will at least crawl your domain before website hosting &when your website will be hosted it will be indexed soon.




  1. Google Search console:

After website hosting we must verify our website with Google search console. Sometimes Google crawler takes time to reach our website but when we verify our website ownership crawl & index our website easily & timely.

It also help us on many factors of ON Page & Off page SEO. Like we can get report of On page errors, Links, website speed, Mobile responsiveness & other important factors.



Google Maps & Page fetching:

We can generate either HTML Or XML site map for website .In word press website there are many tools for XML site Maps .After creation of site maps we should submit it on Google search console account. This makes search engines to read your website easy & ultimately help you in gaining good positions on search engines.


Page fetching : fetching is a option by which we can directly submit our website on Google.  If we have done some changes in our website & we want that Google Consider these changes as much as early then Google gives us access to submit our information on Google By Search console account.



Directory submission : Some Digital Marketer says that now directory submission does not help in search engine rankings but I feel Some business directories like.


2.Just dial


Help you in off page SEO .Directories where user can give you reviews If you have some positive reviews on different directories your OFF Page SEO will definitely get benefit from it .Google also consider reviews on Face book & other social media websites.



Forum Submission

We can submit our content or Url to the forums that are related to our business & category. Always try to make relevant information about topic on which discussion is going on. Also avoid to comment personally in form discussion .


Forum submission always generates free traffic for website also does marketing for company. We should always try to make links on DO Follow websites.


Some of the Forum submission websites are :





Article Submission:

Article submission is very important part off page SEO. Article submission helps you create image of your business & also helps you individually.  It provides you opportunity to reach millions of people & also does branding for your business.


Quality of content is main factor of success, poor content can damage your website reputation. Like Article submission we should can do document sharing & also participation in question & answers website can also generate traffic to your website.


Some of the Article submission websites are:

1 .  www







Video & image submission :

Video & image submission on High page rank & popular websites redirect traffic to your website. It also gives chance to user to know more about your services & provides strong back links to your website.

Some of the video submission websites are tube


3.daily motion

4.meta café .com


Image submission websites :



In this article I have covered main important tricks to generate back links or you can say off page SEO tricks  .In last I want to focus on some other factor related to OFF Page SEO

1.Always check link existence .

2.check alexa ranking of website

3.Find dead links

  1. avoid making links on NO Follow websites.

If you can make do follow links on .EDU & .GOV   domains never miss this opportunity. It will definitely boost your ranking in search engine.

Thanks For reading this article if you have any questions you can send me mail on ,I will defiantly  reply you.