3 Reasons why we should use Google ad words

When we talk about preference of Google Adwords over other marketing tools available on internet as well as on Offline marketing  strategies. 3 R makes major difference.

  1. Reach
  2. Relevence
  3. ROI (return on investment)

                   Now we will discuss these factors in detail

Reach  :With the help of Google Adwords we can reach to right target audience for which we are making our marketing strategy .first of all we are available to our customers when they are searching something or exactly related to our product & services .

We can estimate how many customers will able to see my advertisement .We can choose language, gender, device & location of customers where our advertisement will display. So Google adwords is the easiest medium to your target audiences.


Relevance : With the help of Google adwords we are able to choose most relevant keywords to our website or business. Due to this factor our advertisement will get most success.It will also Saves your money.

When quality results of our ads are good then we will get higher position on Google Platforms .

In spite these facts we can show our ads to People who are in interested groups or having past history of showing interest in our product or services.

We can set our Ads Placements of websites & as well as mobile Aps where our potential customers visits.


ROI (Return on investment) :Its obvious we use Google adwords to increase  sales & to generate more business enquiry related to our business.

With the help of Google adwords best ROI ,it always depend on the goal or aim of the campaign . We can use conversion tool to measure ROI of the campaign.

In Google Adwords marketing we can analysis success of our campaign & plan accordingly ,can change our strategy ,budget & sometimes keywords also. So there are no  compulsion of minimum budget that required in other type of marketing.

Some new changes has been done in google adwords to get maximum benefit. Now we will discuss one by one.

1.More Targeting Audience:

Now we can target our audience according to area & demography .Google has started it for Search ad & dynamic ads.So now advertiser has option to target his advertisement more accurately .


    2.Click to Message Ads :

This is part of Ad extension in Google Adwords. Now user can directly send Message on on ad  that is showing on        Google Search.user can also contact you through text message.It gives you more promotion without any cost.

3.Increase Characters Limit in  Text Ads :

Adwords has increase two headlines instead of one earlier.adwords has also Incraese character limit of description up to 80 chracters which was earlier only 70.

4. Mobile-friendly Ads :

Now Google Adwords text ads  are mobile friendly .Earlier we have to select adwords for mobile device now it automatically mobile friendly .we can also see Mobile & desktop view in ad preview section.

Above changes in Google adwords has also make it value because adwords gives results early than search engine optimization.Now it gives you access to handle your competition better.



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If you want to run your Google adwords campaign or having some query related to it you contact 09873678373 or  info@allindiamediasolutions.com